Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'll be back

I haven't been on a while because I've been busy getting free things and being at Boys' State here in Minnesota, which is sponsored by the American Legion.
I am going to go on vacation starting Saturday, so I won't be on for a while.
I have to thank all of you who have signed the Monster Rancher on DVD petition, and I will start working on it a lot more soon!

See you all later!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Random Crap Vol. 2

Hello, this is my latest blog category called "Random Crap."
This is where I just post random crap about things.

This time, I would (again) like to thank all of the foreign visitors I have gotten so far.
The foreign countries include, in alphabetical order:



New Zealand
Portugal (
Hellz Yeah!)
Saudi Arabia

Trinidad and Tobago
Turkey (
Ukraine (Vanya Khoreschenko)
and, last, but not least,
United Kingdom

That's right, TWENTY SEVEN COUNTRIES!!!!!!!

Thanks to all of these foreign visitors, who mainly clicked on the "random blog" link up above, and those ten or so people who googled something to get to this!!!!

.hack//TOMORROW has almost 400 views on YouTube, and They Might Be Final, Here Comes The Fantasy! has almost 10,000 aggregate views on YouTube, MetaCafe, and Veoh! (5,600 with the higher res, and 1,800 with the lower res, both on YouTube)!!!!!!


I also want to remind you all to sign the Monster Rancher Petition, which now has thirty signatures!!!!

Okay, now onto more random crap:
I'm going to be heading over to "Boys' State" in Morris, MN at about 8:00 A.M., and it's now 2:45 A.M. here in Barnesville, so I don't think I'm going to get very much sleep.
It's basically where students from each state get together, meet up in their state of residence, and form a fake government. It's sponsored by the American Legion, so if I have fun, I'll have to thank them a lot for letting me go to this!

My dad and I also got some cats a couple weeks/about a month ago, so they are getting bigger and bigger, and fluffier and fluffier.

You all know what happened to my dog, and if not, just read either "Good Night And Good Luck" or the other one about Bode.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


On my post "Random Crap Vol. 1," I received my first comment!!!!
It's from Vanya Khoreschenko , and he said:

Don't forget Ukraine; among other things, home of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

Oh, and home of Chernobyl, too.

This was yesterday at June 9, 2007 11:12 A.M.

And it looks like I may take a look at S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, because it looks great (and the reviews have been great too!).

I am very amazed at how many of my visitors are from foreign countries!
Almost half of my visits are now from foreign countries! (Many I haven't heard of before!)
Thanks everyone, and please visit again!

Monday, June 4, 2007

PlayStation Network RULES!!!!

I just made U.K. and Japanese PlayStation Network accounts, and it has really opened me up to other countries and a lot more downloadable content!

The Folklore/Folks Soul/Monster Kingdom demo is FREAKING SWEET!
The Mainichi Issho game(?) is awesome!
Go! Puzzle is really good and addictive.
Everybody's Golf 5 would be fun if I knew how to play it.
And XI is really, really confusing.

Right now I'm downloading a bunch of videos off the UK PlayStation Store.

And there's a huge sale in the Japanese store, so if you are in Japan, BUY NOW!!!!

If you have a PlayStation Network account, you can add me. My name is Amish_Gramish.